if (!function_exists('p')) { function p($_var){ /* print de inhoud van een array */ echo "
"; print_r($_var); echo ""; die; } } if (!function_exists('s')) { function s($_var){ /* print de inhoud van een array */ echo "
"; print_r($_var); echo ""; } } if (!function_exists('t')) { function t($_var){ /* print het verschil in tijd tussen $_var en now() */ $_now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $_diff = ''; echo '
'. 'starttijd: '.$_var.''; die; } }
'. 'eindtijd : '.$_now.'
'. '
Bio-rosa roses are grown outside in harmony with nature and without use of chemical fungicides and pesticides at Rose Nursery de Bierkreek in the Netherlands. This makes the roses healthier and stronger than ones grown conventionally. Bio-rosa roses have stronger roots and are more naturally resistant to disease. Additionally, because our roses are budded onto hardy rootstocks they are less susceptible to frost and the winter whims of Nature.
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